We are all born with imperfections a plenty, but then there are times when we awaken to look beyond those and that is where we discover our abilities to win over our worst fears.
As a trainer & A’s first time fitness trainees, we both had a moment of awakening. A moment when we looked beyond our comfort zone & woke up to embrace the opportunities life has on offer.
From a typical boardroom we transformed into a wellness hour, exchanging the dress suits with yoga pants, from number crunching to ab crunches & from top line to waist line, from have to to want to.
A morning in Yog, spent with the executives of Schneider India. A morning where the executives earned their yoga mats & I got enlightened with my first corporate lesson.
Couldn’t have asked for a better start to 2019, stepping out in the new world where I must inspire everyone to be in the ‘I want to’ category rather than the ‘I have to exercise’ obligation.
#RiseToShine #FitnessFirst #Wellness #CorporateFitness #FitWithManisha
Instructor – Manisha